Enabling the Vision
Ways that you can give to Kingdom Faith Church...
Kingdom Faith Church is reaching out in many different ways in this nation and across the world. To maintain what God is currently asking of us costs around £120,000 a month. We are constantly encouraged in the way God supplies for what He is doing to reach and transform lives.
As the work continues to grow and develop there are always greater challenges of faith. Please continue to pray for us and if you would like to stand with us financially there are a number ways you are able to do this detailed below. The most efficient way for you to give is to set up an online bank transfer either as a standing order or single payment, however you can also give via cash/cheque, by debit card or online via PayPal.
Bank Transfer
If you’d like to set up a standing order or a single payment you can do so using the account details below - please indicate if your regular giving is for a specific purpose in the reference field of your online banking site.
Natwest Bank
Kingdom Faith Church Central Account
Sort code: 60-06-20
Account: 03959260
Swift code: NWBKGB2L
IBank No: GB32NWBK60062003959260
Online Giving
If you’d like to give online today, you can do so using PayPal which is a secure online payment site. Simply enter your amount below and click the give button.
By Post
You can make a cheque payable to Kingdom Faith, or complete a Debit/Credit card form by clicking here and returning it to: FAO Finance Office, Kingdom Faith Church, Foundry Lane, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 5PX
By Phone
Call us on +44 (0) 1293 851543 to donate by Debit/Credit card today. (Please note, our offices are open from 1pm-5pm Mondays and 9am-5pm Tuesday-Friday)