
Hi and welcome to Kingdom Faith Church!

We’re Christians from loads of different cultures and backgrounds with one thing in common...we love Jesus Christ!

We’re passionate about Jesus and worshipping Him and for us that’s what life is all about! Our desire is to know God more and to help everyone discover how amazing He is!

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How to know Jesus

going deeper go further

Daily Bible reading strengthens our relationship with God, nourishes our spirits and equips us to live a fruitful, effective life for Him.

This month we're looking at some scriptures about the Holy Spirit and prayer alongside reading a chapter of Acts each day.

  • 1COR 6:19 1 Corinthians 6:19
  • EPH 6:10-18 Ephesians 6:10-18
  • ACT 21 Acts 21
  • Temples of the Holy Spirit19Surely you realise that God has made your body a temple of the Holy Spirit, who now lives in you? This is God's doing; and so you do not belong to yourself, to do as you please.
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  • Your spiritual armour10Above all, be strong in your faith and dependence on the Lord, on His might and power.11He has provided His protection for you in several ways. Clothed with His gifts and resources, you will be able to stand against all the devil's disruptive tactics.12Your battle is not against people but against the negative spiritual forces that influence and control them; against the spiritual rulers, authorities and powers that are at work in this world that is in bondage to the darkness of sin. They are in league with those evil spiritual forces that exist outside the world.13So accept everything God has made available to you, to enable you to stand steadfast when evil attacks. Yes, no matter what happens you are able to stand firm and to remain standing.14You stand firm with His truth like a belt you keep around your waist for support. His righteousness is like a breastplate that protects you.15You wear the shoes of the gospel so that you are always ready for any eventuality and can walk in peace.16Your faith is like a shield that you have to take hold of and that enables you to overcome anything the devil throws at you.17The assurance of your salvation is like a protective helmet, enabling you to counter all the devil's lies and efforts to deceive you in your thinking.18You have, not only a defensive shield, but an offensive weapon, the sword of the Spirit which is God's Word. Whenever you pray, depend on the Spirit to lead you and fill your prayer with His life and power, no matter what you are asking of God. How important to pray in the Spirit continually for all your fellow believers.
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  • Paul sets sail again1After this emotional farewell, we set sail first to Cos, then on the following day to Rhodes and from there to Patara.2When we found a ship bound for Phoenicia, we boarded and set sail.3We passed to the south of Cyprus and sailed to Syria, landing at Tyre where our ship was to unload its cargo.4We met with the disciples there and stayed for a week with them. Through prophesies from God's Spirit they told Paul not to go to Jerusalem.5Despite this we returned to the ship when it was time to set sail. All the disciples, together with their families, escorted us out of the city and knelt with us on the beach to pray.6After greeting each other we boarded the ship and they returned home.7From Tyre we continued our journey to Ptolemais, where we landed and were greeted by the believers.8We spent the day with them before leaving for Caesarea, where we stayed with Philip the evangelist, one of the seven set apart by the apostles.9He had four unmarried daughters, all of whom prophesied.Agabus prophesies Paul's fate10When we had been there a few days, a prophet from Judea named Agabus arrived.11He came over to us, took hold of Paul's belt and tied his own hands and feet with it, declaring: "The Holy Spirit says, 'This is how the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem will bind the owner of this belt and deliver him to the Gentile authorities!'"12On hearing this, both we and the local people begged Paul not to go to Jerusalem.13But Paul was adamant. "Why weep like this?" he asked. "Are you trying to break my heart? I am prepared not only to be bound but to die in Jerusalem for the sake of the Lord Jesus."14Because he would not be swayed by anything we said, we surrendered to the inevitable saying: "May the Lord's will be done."Paul returns to Jerusalem15Then we prepared ourselves for the journey to Jerusalem.16Some of the Caesarean believers accompanied us and took us to the home of Mnason, one of the early disciples from Cyprus, and we stayed there with him.17When we arrived in Jerusalem the believers there welcomed us with joy.18On the following day we went with Paul to visit James and all the elders of the church.19Having greeted them, Paul gave a detailed report of all that God had done among the Gentiles through his ministry.20They gave God the glory for what they heard and then told of the many thousands of Jews who had become believers. "And all of them are truly obedient to the law of God," they said.21"But they have been told that you teach the Jews who live in Gentile lands that they do not have to keep the law of Moses, that they should not circumcise their children nor live by our customs.22What shall we do? Your coming faces us with a dilemma.23"This is what we suggest: Four men in the church here have taken a vow.24Go with these men to the temple, join with them in the purification ceremony and pay for them to have their heads shaved. This will prove to everyone that there is no truth in the rumours about you, and that you yourself live in obedience to the law.25"We have already written about our decision as far as Gentile believers are concerned, that they should not eat food that has been sacrificed to idols nor the meat of strangled animals. They should not drink blood and must refrain from sexual immorality."26So on the following day Paul went with the men and took part in the purification ceremony. At the temple he announced publicly that when the time of their vows expired, the appropriate offering would be made for each of them.27When the seven days of purification were nearly completed, some Jews from the province of Asia saw Paul in the temple and stirred up a large crowd by shouting:28"Men of Israel, help us! Here is the man who teaches against our law and this temple everywhere he goes. Not only that, but he has defiled this sacred place by bringing Gentiles into the temple."29Earlier they had seen the Ephesian, Trophimus, with Paul in the city and had assumed that he had brought him into the temple.Paul arrested at the temple30The discontent spread rapidly and people came running from every direction. They seized hold of Paul and dragged him out of the temple. The gates were then shut.31However, while they were trying to kill him, news of the disturbance that had now spread to the whole city reached the Roman commander.32Immediately he led a troop of officers and soldiers to where the crowd had gathered. When those involved in the riots saw the commander and his soldiers, they stopped beating Paul.33When he arrived at the scene the commander arrested Paul and ordered him to be bound with two chains. He then asked about his identity and crime; but some in the crowd shouted one thing and some another.34Because of the confusion the commander could not find out the truth and ordered Paul to be taken to the barracks.35But when they reached the steps, the crowd became so violent that Paul had to be lifted clear by the soldiers.36Still the crowd followed shouting: "Take him and kill him!"Paul addresses the crowd37As they neared the barracks, Paul asked the commander: "May I speak with you?" The commander was surprised that Paul spoke Greek.38"I thought you were the Egyptian who started the revolt of four thousand terrorists in the desert some time ago!"39Paul replied: "No, I am a Jew from Tarsus in Cilicia, a city of note. Please allow me to speak to the people."40The commander consented and Paul stood on the steps and motioned to the crowd to be quiet. When they were all silent he addressed them in Aramaic:
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  • S.O.A.P.

    In order to go further in the mission God has given us, He said we need to go deeper in our relationship with Him. As with any tree or plant, the fruit is determined by the health and depth of the root. One way we have been going deeper is by reading and journaling through the Word every day. We’ve called it S.O.A.P.

    [S]cripture - Read the Word
    [O]bservation - Write down what God is saying/showing you
    [A]pplication - How do we apply this in our lives?
    [P]rayer - Pray through and over your life

    As we read the Word (Scripture), listen to the Holy Spirit (Observation), discover how to apply that to our lives (Application) and pray these things over our lives and those in the Church (Prayer) we’re going deeper in our relationship with God so that we can go further in the mission He’s given us.

    Throughout the rest of the year we’ll be continuing our Bible Reading Plan to press deeper into God so that we can go further in His purposes. Get yourself a Bible, a journal and a pen and SOAP your way through the scriptures!

    You can see which chapters we’re reading today above this section.

Listen Again!

Listen again to our weekly podcast messages from across the different congregations

Kingdom Faith Degree Program
With ForMission College

Kingdom Faith Church, working with ForMission College, equips Christians and leaders to transform their communities through accredited training, thoughtful leadership & missional support.

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Freedom is a 12 week Small Group Bible study followed by a 24 hour Freedom Encounter that is designed to help believers live in freedom every day. It’s the second step of our Discipleship Pathway and being part of a Freedom Small Group is designed to help believers move forward on their journey with God.

Our next Freedom Course will start in March and you’ll be able to sign up online from Saturday 01 February.

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