
Please note: We are having family services on Sundays throughout the summer holidays so there will be no separate children's or youth groups meeting during the service.

Hi and welcome to Kingdom Faith Church!

We’re Christians from loads of different cultures and backgrounds with one thing in common...we love Jesus Christ!

We’re passionate about Jesus and worshipping Him and for us that’s what life is all about! Our desire is to know God more and to help everyone discover how amazing He is!

Rohan & Anna Andrew

“...The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.” Galatians 5:6

Rohan & Anna Andrew
Crawley Congregation Pastors

Meet the Team

Upcoming Events

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9am @ Holy Trinity School

Join us at Holy Trinity School for a time of prayer and worship together as a congregation.

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Holy Trinity School, Buckswood Dr, Crawley RH11 8JE




Join us as we go out into Crawley Town or Broadfield every Saturday to tell people the good news about who Jesus is and what He has done!

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Sunday morning service

10am @ Holy Trinity School

Join us on Sunday morning at Holy Trinity School as we come together as a family to celebrate all that God is, all that He's done and to kick start the week in an atmosphere of faith, hope and love. Bring a mate, come expectant…it's what Sundays were made for. Our service starts at 10am and finishes at 11:30am. 

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Holy Trinity School, Buckswood Dr, Crawley RH11 8JE



11:30am @ Holy Trinity School

Join us at Holy Trinity School for a time of prayer and worship together as a congregation.

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Holy Trinity School, Buckswood Dr, Crawley RH11 8JE

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going deeper go further

Daily Bible reading strengthens our relationship with God, nourishes our spirits and equips us to live a fruitful, effective life for Him.

This month we’re reading some passages about sanctification as well as the accounts of Jesus healing people in the gospels.

  • JUD v1-2 Jude v1-2
  • LUK 17:11-19 Luke 17:11-19
  • Greetings1From Jude, brother of James and a servant of Jesus Christ. To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father and kept for the purposes of Jesus Christ.2May God's mercy, peace and love be imparted to you abundantly.
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  • Ten lepers cleansed11On his way to Jerusalem, Jesus had to pass along the border between Samaria and Galilee.12-13When He entered a particular village ten lepers met Him. They remained a safe distance away but called out to Him: "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us."14When He noticed them, Jesus said to them: "Go and show yourselves to the priests (to have your healing verified)." On the way they were cleansed of their leprosy!15When he realised that he had been healed, one of them returned to Jesus shouting God's praises.16He fell on his face before Him and thanked Him. He was a Samaritan.17Jesus said: "Ten were healed; so where are the other nine?18Is this outsider the only one who has returned to give God the glory?"19Then He said to the Samaritan: "Stand up and go on your way; your faith has saved you."
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  • S.O.A.P.

    In order to go further in the mission God has given us, He said we need to go deeper in our relationship with Him. As with any tree or plant, the fruit is determined by the health and depth of the root. One way we have been going deeper is by reading and journaling through the Word every day. We’ve called it S.O.A.P.

    [S]cripture - Read the Word
    [O]bservation - Write down what God is saying/showing you
    [A]pplication - How do we apply this in our lives?
    [P]rayer - Pray through and over your life

    As we read the Word (Scripture), listen to the Holy Spirit (Observation), discover how to apply that to our lives (Application) and pray these things over our lives and those in the Church (Prayer) we’re going deeper in our relationship with God so that we can go further in the mission He’s given us.

    Throughout the rest of the year we’ll be continuing our Bible Reading Plan to press deeper into God so that we can go further in His purposes. Get yourself a Bible, a journal and a pen and SOAP your way through the scriptures!

    You can see which chapters we’re reading today above this section.