
Hi and welcome to Kingdom Faith Church!

We’re Christians from loads of different cultures and backgrounds with one thing in common...we love Jesus Christ!

We’re passionate about Jesus and worshipping Him and for us that’s what life is all about! Our desire is to know God more and to help everyone discover how amazing He is!

Colin & Kate Squires

“It’s such a privilege to be part of a great big family where every life matters and everyone is significant!”

Colin & Kate Squires
Horsham Congregation Pastors

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Little Builders

10am @ Foundry Lane, Horsham

Little Builders meet twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10-11:30am, during school term time at Foundry Lane, Horsham. For more information visit: www.kingdomfaith.com/littlebuilders/default.aspx

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Foundry Lane, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 5PX


Lunchtime prayer

1pm @ Foundry Lane, Horsham

During our two weeks of prayer & fasting we're meeting each weekday lunchtime to pray and press into God. Join us at 1pm in Foundry Lane.

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Foundry Lane, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 5PX


Encounter Night

7:30pm @ Foundry Lane, Horsham

Join us at Foundry Lane in Horsham as we gather from across the congregations to make space for God to move and to speak into each one of our lives. Come expectant!

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Foundry Lane, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 5PX


Lunchtime prayer

1pm @ Foundry Lane, Horsham

During our two weeks of prayer & fasting we're meeting each weekday lunchtime to pray and press into God. Join us at 1pm in Foundry Lane.

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Foundry Lane, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 5PX

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going deeper ...to go further

Daily Bible reading strengthens our relationship with God, nourishes our spirits and equips us to live a fruitful, effective life for Him.

This month we're looking at some scriptures about the Holy Spirit and prayer alongside reading a chapter of Acts each day.

  • 2TIM 1:6-7 2 Timothy 1:6-7
  • EPH 1:17-19 Ephesians 1:17-19
  • ACT 14 Acts 14
  • 6So I remind you to fan the flame of God's gift that is in you, that was imparted to you when I laid my hands on you.7For God has not given us a spirit of cowardice but a Spirit of power and love that enables us to exercise self-discipline and right thinking.
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  • 17I ask that the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ may impart to you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation of who He is and what He has done for you, so that you will come to know Him better.18-19I also pray for your heart to be filled with light, that you will see for yourself, and know in your experience, the hope to which He has called you, the purpose He wants to see fulfilled in your life. What is this hope? That His saints, all those who belong to Him, will enjoy the riches of a glorious inheritance; and that they may also know His power working in them because they believe in Him, a power so great that it cannot be compared with any other power! You have an example of this power, of exactly how mighty it is, in the resurrection of Christ.
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  • Paul and Barnabas speak boldly in Iconium1At Iconium Paul and Barnabas went together to the Jewish synagogue, where they spoke so powerfully that a great number believed, both Jews and Gentiles.2But those Jews who rejected their message and refused to believe stirred up opposition among the Gentiles by slandering Paul and Barnabas.3Even so, they spent some time there and continued to preach boldly for the Lord, who endorsed their message of His grace by empowering them to perform miraculous signs and wonders.4The city population was divided; some supported the apostles, others sided with the Jewish opposition.5However, a group of Gentiles and Jews including some of the leaders plotted violence against Paul and Barnabas, wanting to stone them.6-7But they heard of the plot and fled to Lycaonia, to the cities of Lystra and Derbe and the surrounding country, where they continued to proclaim the good news.8In Lystra they encountered a man who from birth had crippled feet and had never been able to walk.9-10He listened intently to Paul's preaching. When Paul looked at the man, he perceived that he had faith to be healed and so called to him: "Stand up on your feet." Immediately the man jumped up and started to walk.11The crowd that witnessed this shouted out in their own language: "These are gods come to visit us in human form."12They called Barnabas 'Zeus' and Paul they called 'Hermes', as he was the main spokesman.13The priest from the temple of Zeus that was just outside the city brought bulls and wreaths of flowers to the city gate because both he and the crowd wanted to offer sacrifices to Barnabas and Paul.14-15When the two apostles realised this they tore their robes in disgust and ran among the crowd shouting: "Why are you doing this? We are merely human like you. We bring you the good news that you can turn away from such worthless things and know the only living God, who created heaven and earth, the sun and every living creature.16-17In the past, He allowed nations to go their own ways, although He never was without witnesses to the truth about who He is. Even though you did not know Him, He showed you His generosity by giving you rain and enabling you to grow seasonal crops, thus providing you with plenty of food and cause to be grateful."Paul stoned for the truth18Despite what they said, the two apostles had the utmost difficulty in preventing the crowd from offering sacrifices to them.19But when some Jews from Antioch and Iconium arrived, they turned the crowd against them. They stoned Paul and dumped his body outside the city, thinking he was dead.20But when the believers gathered around him in prayer, he stood up and then went back into the city. Both Paul and Barnabas left for Derbe on the following day.21-22There a large number became disciples in response to their preaching. Then they returned to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch where they strengthened the believers, encouraging them to remain true to the faith. "We must persevere through many trials and hardships to inherit God's Kingdom," they told them.Apostles appointed elders23Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for each church. They prayed for them after a time of fasting, entrusting them to the Lord in whom they believed.24Then, passing through Pisidia, they arrived in Pamphylia.25-26They preached God's Word in Perga before moving on to Attalia, from where they sailed back to Antioch, the city where they had been entrusted to God's grace for the work they had now completed.27So when they arrived there they called the church together, reporting all that God had accomplished through them and how He had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles.28Then they stayed with the disciples in Antioch for a prolonged time.
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  • S.O.A.P.

    In order to go further in the mission God has given us, He said we need to go deeper in our relationship with Him. As with any tree or plant, the fruit is determined by the health and depth of the root. One way we have been going deeper is by reading and journaling through the Word every day. We’ve called it S.O.A.P.

    [S]cripture - Read the Word
    [O]bservation - Write down what God is saying/showing you
    [A]pplication - How do we apply this in our lives?
    [P]rayer - Pray through and over your life

    As we read the Word (Scripture), listen to the Holy Spirit (Observation), discover how to apply that to our lives (Application) and pray these things over our lives and those in the Church (Prayer) we’re going deeper in our relationship with God so that we can go further in the mission He’s given us.

    Throughout the rest of the year we’ll be continuing our Bible Reading Plan to press deeper into God so that we can go further in His purposes. Get yourself a Bible, a journal and a pen and SOAP your way through the scriptures!

    You can see which chapters we’re reading today above this section.

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