Each day during the three weeks of prayer & fasting we will focus on 21 different ways in which the Lord has expressed His love for us. These notes will give you an introduction to the audio message for each day, but are not intended to be a substitute for listening to the messages!
In these next three weeks we are going to go on a spiritual journey together as a body of believers. We will begin with some basic truths of the gospel. As our relationship with God is always dependent on these truths we need to be deeply thankful for these ways in which He has loved us. Always remember that what for you may be common knowledge will be fresh revelation for some others.
We can only love God and others in response to His great love for us. So the greater the revelation and our understanding of His love for us, the greater our capacity to love Him and others. Whatever we say and do comes out of the quality of our relationship with Jesus. We expect the quality of that relationship to be deepened during these three weeks. As a result, we will then be able to bear more fruit for His glory, having a greater impact on others in the world around us because more of the love and presence of Jesus will be expressed in our lives. And this is our aim!
Every day we will be posting some notes as an introduction to the audio message along with some scripture references for you to read for yourself, but they are not intended to be a substitute for listening to the messages! A time of fasting is a time of more, not less. Giving more time to the Lord to work His purposes in our lives. You can use these scriptures and notes to reflect on the message for each day. Also they can be used in prayer.
You will also be given a practical aim each day for the outworking in your daily life what He does in you spiritually during this time, things that will have a lasting influence on your life.