Dare to Dream

Dare to Dream

Our vision and our passion to be the Church that Jesus is building now...

Something that you’ll hear a lot at Kingdom Faith Yorkshire is, Dare to Dream. It summarises our vision and our passion to be the Church that Jesus is building now. The Word says that God’s thoughts about us are more numerous than the grains of sand on every beach in the world. That’s a lot of thoughts! Even if I just hear a small fraction of them I’ll discover just how much God Dares to Dream about me.

So yes, we Dare to Dream, about the excitement and adventure that God has set before us, of being a Church where people are loved, accepted and restored, where the blind see, the deaf hear and the lonely find friendship. We Dare to Dream of a Church that is growing week by week as people are impacted by the Truth, experience the power of the Holy Spirit and see miracles happening.

We see a Church that equips, trains and disciples people and is full of God’s love, where the tangible presence of God is known and experienced. We see a Church that is part of transforming society and that brings honour and glory to Jesus Christ. And do you know what? We also Dare to Dream of a Church that is just great fun to be part of!

We Dare to Dream of a Church...

  • Where people are loved, accepted and restored
  • Where the blind see, the deaf hear and the lonely find friendship
  • That is full of God’s love, where the tangible presence and love of God is known, felt and shared with others
  • That is growing week by week, as lives are impacted with the truth of Jesus Christ
  • That equips people to know who they are in Christ, to know his life and freedom and helps them discover their purpose and destiny
  • Where the people meet with God and make Jesus known
  • That is influencing a whole region
  • That is local, but has a big vision that sends people out all over the world
  • That brings honour and glory to Jesus Christ
  • That is just great fun to be at!

So are you with us, shall we walk this together?
Let’s Dare to Dream

“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” - Proverbs 18.10

“...and it was heard that He was in the house.”- Mark 2.1

“Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Take the whole army with you and go up.” - Joshua 8.1

Paul & Kate Abell

After being in Church leadership in Horsham and leading J24/:7, Paul and Kate Abell headed north in July 2007 to lead the adventure here at Kingdom Faith Yorkshire. They have been linked to Kingdom Faith since 1987 and in Church leadership since 1993. Paul & Kate have two grown up sons. Paul is into classic cars, boardgames and seeing God transform lives. Kate loves chilling with a book, playing bass guitar and seeing God in action.

Kingdom Faith Yorkshire was relaunched in Scarborough on 23 September 2007.