
Opportunities for Church Members & Interns

Find our how you can get involved and make a difference...

What is the difference between getting involved as a Church member or as an intern?

Everyone who is a disciple of Jesus wants to get involved in their Church, that’s part of who we are. At different times in our lives God calls us to differing opportunities. As an intern you are sowing this time of your life fully into serving the Lord at Kingdom Faith by joining the staff team as a volunteer and you will be working full time hours for Kingdom Faith. As a Church member you are no less committed to what you are doing serving Jesus, but you are called full time to be involved elsewhere such as looking after your family or running a business. We want to be able to give you every opportunity to grow in your faith, your experiences and your skills as you serve the Lord.

3-12+ month Intern opportunities
Be challenged - Stand out - Be different

You’ve heard God and want to set aside a special time to serve him - here’s what to do!

Things are moving fast here in Yorkshire and many opportunities are available for you to be discipled, trained and equipped as part of being involved in ministry. If you are wanting to be an intern or you are a current Church member or perhaps you are thinking of moving to the Scarborough region to join the work that God is growing here, below you will find some examples of how that can happen at this Church.

A Kingdom Faith Yorkshire internship is an exciting and fast paced year spent as a voluntary full time member of the staff team, both serving the vision and looking to develop skills and experience in areas of interest to you.

So for anyone still praying about doing an internship, or any students who are leaving college and wondering what to do, here are some ideas!

As an option you can even combine your internship with our three year BA Course in Mission & Theology course - so you get the full benefits of practical training and discipleship and being part of our staff team AND you get a BA degree validated by Newman University with full access to government student funding.

Some of these roles are dependant on the skill level of the person interested. Although we will be providing training, previous training or qualifications are very helpful and sometimes essential. You should consider these roles in the same way as a secular job would be available; they are not suitable for everyone and a successful interview with references is necessary. Many roles also require a DBS check. Of course, Church is open to all! Serving and helping is for everyone! But these specific roles are something that is applied for and therefore, just like a job interview, not everyone is necessarily successful in their application.

  1. Children’s Team - a person to specialise in children's work. We have so much happening: J24/:7 Sundays, Friday Club, various Little Builder groups, a Creche that is open every day, working with schools, and even more!
  2. Youth Work - many things are happening with the youth at Kingdom Faith Yorkshire! This person will specialise in working with youth and the Youth Angels work, of which there are many exciting opportunities. This includes the established street work, Youth Angels at the Summit, Ignite on Sundays, working with occasional music events, partnering with the Stephen Joseph Theatre, running the coffee shop, arts and crafts, and education about drugs/alcohol/sexual health.
  3. Technical Staff - we have an extensive PA and lighting system so we have immense opportunities to work in this area - main Church meetings, battle of the bands events, music gigs, cafe jazz - making things happen. Great fun and the chance to explore, experiment and get creative! Experience is a bonus, but we will train you in everything if needed. Also managing events, front of house, budgeting etc. plus maintaining our home cinema and our Xbox 360 stations.
  4. Building Management/team (The Summit) - the actual role here will depend on experience. From being part of the team that makes the new Summit Building happen (taking sole responsibility for some events) to running and organising that team. If you’ve got the skills we can use them!
  5. Host Team and/or Pastoral we have a passion to make people welcome. The role would be specialising in making people welcome and feel at home in the great variety of events and happenings that occur in Kingdom Faith Yorkshire. Pastorally it means keeping in contact with people, helping them to belong, seeing people saved and baptised, being part of seeing lives changed etc.
  6. Music Team - obviously being involved with the Big Events - Thursday evenings/Sunday Mornings but also much more. Writing songs, music gigs, coffee shop jazz, street music, music lessons to young people - release your creativity! Open to singers and musicians. All skill levels.
  7. The Angels - this includes Street Angels on the streets at the weekends, the Safe Haven team making a safe place at the Summit on Saturday nights until 3.00am, Community Angels who are pastoring our community, and Youth Angels working with young people - give us a call to find out how extensive this work is. The Angels have had a major effect on Scarborough and as such have often been successful in obtaining grant funding from BBC Children in Need, North Yorkshire County Council, Pubwatch, North Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner and Scarborough Borough Council.
  8. The Hub Coffee Lounge - join the team that works for excellence all through the week, learn how to be a barista! Learn how to prepare and make food in our kitchen. Reach out to local people in this valuable mission project that welcomes everyone.
  9. Pastoral Team - join the team that disciples, cares for and looks after the people! Be trained and equipped by our Church Pastors.
  10. Others - Finance Team/Cavern Club (over 60s)/Administration/print design/website design and building/Student team/developing 24/7 prayer/practical helps/ministry/office skills/conference team/outreach & missions - or maybe you have ideas for something not even mentioned, let’s talk!

Many of our interns are taking some kind of gap year around university or perhaps you have been to or are planning on going to Kingdom Faith Training College in Horsham. But internships are open to  everyone of all generations, you certainly don’t have to be a university student.

Kingdom Faith Yorkshire interns experience being part of the KFY Staff Team in all areas and have a general role, but also most interns have specialised in areas as well - usually focusing more and more on the specialist area as the year has progressed. KFY interns have lived with Church members in Scarborough, or found their own accommodation. As an intern, housing benefit is normally available from our local councils - but obviously we do not have the final say in that decision! You will need to pay for your housing, food and personal living expenses. Most interns have either saved this in advance, have some outside support such as parents or take some seasonal work during the year - we help you to make it work for your situation. Another option is to combine the internship with our BA in Mission and Theology Course and obtain government finance in the form of a student loan. This course takes three years. To do this we work in partnership with ForMission College and you would spend one day a week at their Leeds Campus; you would be working with our other degree students as well. The degree is validated by Newman University, get in touch if you are interested in this option.

If you are not yet a member of Kingdom Faith Yorkshire then please get in touch with me, Pastor Paul Abell, as I oversee the student and intern programme. Use the Contact Us section below and I'll get back to you. If you are a member then have a chat with one of the Church leaders about the area you are interested in.

Paul Abell
Senior Pastor
Kingdom Faith Church