Come to Me - Colin Urquhart
Colin Urquhart

Come to Me Colin Urquhart

Recently the Lord took me through different ways in His Word in which He invites us to come to Him. These are wonderful truths for you, as well as for me! You can use these truths prayerfully and respond to His invitation. 

Come to Me. This is My invitation to you; this is My command.

Come and live in the goodness of My love and grace.

Come in your need, confident that through My goodness I will satisfy that need.

Come with the confidence of the faith I have placed within you.

Come with a heart of devoted love.

Come with humility, in loving submission to My will.

Come, for I always await your coming and am ready to meet with you.

Come up higher to be with Me where I AM.

Come and receive the revelation I give to those who live at one with Me.

Come and hear the words the Lord your God speaks to your heart.

Come and I will reveal how awesome I AM, that you might live in awe of Me.

Come and fulfil the divine will I have for you.

Come and then tell others what you have heard from Me.

Come to the Rock of your salvation with a spirit of praise.

Come into the presence of the Holy One with thanksgiving.

Come and worship together with all who honour and revere My holy Name.

Come and give Me the glory I deserve.

Come with joy in your heart, mindful of the wonderful privilege of being called by Me, knowing that I want you to come, that it matters to Me that you come.

Come with a heart that desires to be faithful to the One who is always faithful to you.

Come close to Me.

Come in the power of My Spirit.

Come and receive from Me all the blessings of My grace that I give freely to you.

Come and receive what you could never earn or deserve.

Come and delight yourself in Me.

Come in the good of the victory I have won over all the power of the enemy.

Come in the good of the covenant I have established with you in My blood.

Come with a spirit of repentance.

Come believing it is always My will to heal you of your afflictions.

Come and follow Me, for I want you to be as I AM both in character and action.

Come when you feel tired and oppressed, and I will give you rest.

Come and walk with Me in the way I have chosen to lead you for your own good, for the benefit of My Kingdom purposes and for My glory.

Come, regardless of the cost to yourself.

Come in the spirit of a life lived in sacrifice to My will.

Come so that you can bring others with you, those who have been impacted by the truth, who have been touched by the power of My Spirit, who desire to have fellowship with Me.

Come so that I might have first place in your life.

Come that I might continue My perfecting work in you.

Come in the good of the treasure that is yours because you belong to My heavenly Kingdom.

Come to the feast I have prepared for you.

Come thankful for all the ways in which I have been pleased to use you.

Come to Me where you truly belong.

Come to Me, for I will always welcome you and embrace you in My love for you.

Come to Me for I have called you by name.

Come and drink from the fountain of living water that flows from My throne.

Come that I might satisfy you as only I can do.

Come in the Spirit of Holiness that is upon you through My mercy and grace.

Come and fulfil My heavenly calling on your life.

Come so that you might be equipped to fulfil the commission I have given you.

Come with confidence into the Holy of Holies where you now belong because of the shedding of My blood for you.

Come into the inner sanctuary with Me, for I have opened up the way for you.

Come knowing that you have been cleansed of all sin and have been made righteous and blameless in My sight.

Come with a clear conscience, thankful for all the blessings of My peace, with a body made clean by receiving the pure living water of the Holy Spirit.

Come and draw near to Me, and I will draw near to you.

Come with purity of heart and mind through the cleansing power of My blood.

Come and receive the blessings of the inheritance I have chosen for you as My child.

Come thankful for My patience with you.

Come thankful that I persevere with you to ensure the outworking of My will for you.

Come up higher and I will show you what is to come.

Come and listen to Me, meet with Me and receive from Me. Then go in My Name and invite others to come, that they might share in all the blessings of My heavenly grace!