Sunday Mornings

Sundays are awesome!

Sundays are a massive statement in the life of our children. It’s the biggest visible expression of what it means to be a part of the body of Christ. Part of the service each week is a time when the children and young people can go out to their classes and receive their own teaching. Young Saints and Consecrate meet as part of the Sunday morning service at Kingdom Faith Church in Horsham, Crawley and Worthing (and is coming soon to Burgess Hill). Each congregation has different quantities of children in different age groups so the specific age groups are unique to each congregation.

To find out what children’s and youth groups are available in your congregation click the link below to visit the congregation page:

What we’re teaching and why

We believe that Sundays are an addition to the teaching which occurs in the home. Not that formal ’sit down’ teaching occurs in the home necessarily, but anyone with children will know more is caught than taught. Our children are learning all the time about what we value, simply by observing what we give our time to and what we make space for - or refuse to give space to.

We theme all our teaching (usually into 3-5 week sections) where we tackle one topic from a variety of approaches during those weeks. We use teaching, Bible study, games and craft to try to help our children understand the topic at hand.

You’ll notice that the teaching is broken down into topics or themes. We tackle a variety of themes throughout the year. Some are regularly planned topics such as worship, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, salvation etc, and some are responsive to the issues that arise whilst teaching.

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

Proverbs 22:6

Leaders’ Walk Through Videos

Each week one of our team in the office will record a walk through video to explain what we’re hoping to achieve that week. This is usually around 10mins long and is added to the relevant Google Drive for both Young Saints and Consecrate.

If you have any questions or comments about the teaching feel free to get in touch with our team: