This book by Colin Urquhart brings fresh and dynamic teaching on the Christ in you; which, if you put the teaching into practice, will release you into a whole new realm of victorious living that can only be known by those with an active faith in Jesus Christ.
How can Jesus Christ live His life in believers today, and express that life in them daily? Colin Urquhart takes the reader though the New Testament scriptures that demonstrate this to be God’s purpose for every Christian! And Jesus Christ Himself has made this possible for each believer. Our own weakness does not matter, but can be turned to God’s advantage when Christians learn to trust in Him and not in themselves.
With the apostle Paul, each can say: "It is not no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me!" This book will not only inspire faith in you; it will show you how that faith can be expressed in positive action that will enable God's purpose for your life to be fulfilled.