
Church in the home

Join a Hub

The call of Kingdom Faith is clear, “To see revival for a generation - turning the tide of a Godless society; by faith, expressed through love in the power of the Holy Spirit, to win and make disciples of all nations.”

Church in the Home is part of the outworking of that vision. We believe that discipleship is key in the body of Christ and that God longs for us to have deep, real, honest and relationships. Church in the Home is a place where both those things can take place. In the Burgess Hill congregation we gather in homes every other week as smaller communities that we call Hubs.

Our Hubs have a strong missional and disciple making emphasis and we share life together as a family, creating a space to encourage one another in our faith - adults and children alike. We worship in homes and gather around the Word of God while giving the opportunity for everyone to ask questions as we take the next steps in our journey with Jesus. On the alternate weeks, all Hubs gather to worship together at Woodlands Meed School in Burgess Hill.

The Heart

This is about disciples making disciples. Our desire is to see the saints equipped in very practical ways and released in safe environments to participate and grow in their giftings. We long to empower the body to fulfil the mission God has given us. We believe that Church in the Home is part of this equipping process and missional lifestyle. Keeping things simple and small makes it easier to release all the saints but also to multiply.

Our heart is to see a multiplication of the Hubs, in and around our towns, that have a tangible impact in our communities. As our Hubs are very local in nature we believe that the people who are part of those Hubs will carry a heart for the area where they live and together will see a change happen in the lives of their friends, neighbours and work colleagues.

The Practicals

How often do you meet and what happens in each Hub?
We meet every other Sunday in Hubs around Burgess Hill. These Hubs are location based and all have leaders ready to welcome you in their homes. Our time together consists of fellowship around a meal, a time of worship and everyone gathering around the Word to learn and grow together. We all follow the same teaching and it will flow on from weeks where we gather together at Woodlands Meed School.

What about children?
We include children and youth in everything we do in homes as we want to model an example they can follow. We believe that at that age as much is caught as well as taught and as they spend time with the rest of the body they grow and thrive as well. On weeks where we are in the building all together, children and youth have their own program where they have age appropriate teaching.

Where are the Hubs located?
We have 3 Hubs that meet in and around Burgess Hill which you can see on the map below. If you haven’t been to Church in the Home yet, you can simply sign up using the form near the bottom of this page to join the Hub closest to you.

What about Small Groups?
We still believe there is a place for small groups during the week. A small group focuses on teaching specific aspects of faith, and are another tool for discipleship of the body. You can find out what small groups are running in Burgess Hill by clicking here.

Join a Hub

You are very welcome to join us at any of the Hubs listed below, although joining one nearest to where you live helps connect with people in the same area as you and creates more of a missional dynamic to the Hub. Please enter your details and select the Hub you’d like to come along to and we’ll let the hosts know. They’ll then be in touch with more details and to let you know the address.

Your details

Which Hub would you like to join?
